First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Alt Email
List all of the people who live in the house including ages and their relationship to you.*
Do you Rent? If so please provide your Landlords information*
Type of dwelling?
What is your work schedule and any other members of the household?*
Why are you interested in fostering?*
Is this your first fostering experience? If no who have you fostered with before?*
What types of animals are you willing to foster? If dogs and cats please specify adults or puppies/kittens.*
Please list your current pets including NAME, BREED/SPECIES, AGE, ALTERED?, YEARS OWNED*
Have your pets ever given birth? If so, why?*
Are your current pets up to date on vaccines? (We will verify with your vet or you can send us records)*
Please list your previous pets including BREED/SPECIES, GENDER, ALTERED?, WHY YOU NO LONGER HAVE THEM*
Please provide you Veterinarians contact information including clinic name, vet name (if specific), and phone number.*
Please explain where you will keep your foster pet*
Please tell us about the experience you have with the animals you are willing to foster.*
As a foster home you are responsible for... 1. Bringing your foster animal to and from vet appointments 2. Bringing your foster animal to at least 1 event a month 3. Administering medication as needed 4. Training/Socializing your foster pet as needed 5. Ensuring proper food and equipment is used and proper care is given Are you in agreement with being able to comply with all of these?*
We do not have a shelter for animals to be in and most of the time our current foster homes are full. If you take in a foster animal are there any reasons you would not be able to continue to foster them and if so what are they?*
If you go away who would be responsible for taking care of your foster pet while you are gone?*
Kat & Kritters Foundation