First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Who are you interested in adopting?*
List all of the people who live in the house including ages and their relationship to you.*
What is your work schedule and any other members of the household?*
Type of dwelling?
Do you Rent? If so please provide your Landlords information*
Please list your current pets including NAME, BREED/SPECIES, AGE, ALTERED?, YEARS OWNED*
Are your current pets up to date on vaccines? (We will verify with your vet or you can send us records)*
Please list your previous pets including BREED/SPECIES, GENDER, ALTERED?, WHY YOU NO LONGER HAVE THEM*
Have your pets ever given birth? If so, why?*
Please provide you Veterinarians contact information including clinic name, vet name (if specific), and phone number.*
Where will the pet be kept?*
How often do you travel and when you do who takes care of your pets?*
Under what circumstances would you no longer be able to keep your pet?*
What would you do if your pet becomes destructive? has accidents? aggression with people or animals?*
Are you financially prepared if your pet becomes ill? Is there a maximum you would spend?*
Is there anything else you would like us to know about yourself?
Kat & Kritters Foundation